Keep Fitchburg Beautiful
Join Fitchburg residents, businesses, and government as we take action together to make our city a cleaner, greener place to live, work, and play.
Take Action to Prevent and Clean Up Litter in Our Community.
Research has shown that litter attracts litter. When an area or roadside is frequently littered or experiences high levels of illegal dumping that just sits there, that sends the message that this kind of behavior is acceptable.
Conversely, when our parks and roads are trash free, that sends a message that littering is unacceptable behavior here. Clean communities tend to stay clean, which is why litter prevention and cleanup in Fitchburg and surrounding cities/towns is so important.
Keep Fitchburg Beautiful.
Volunteer Powered.
Prevention of litter and illegal dumping are keys to a clean and beautiful community. However, where litter and dumping already exist, a sustained effort is usually needed to clean it up.
Unfortunately, many Massachusetts municipal departments of public works are already straining to keep up with their core responsibilities—- and Fitchburg is no different. In many cases, litter cleanup falls to the bottom of the DPW priority list and cleanup efforts are reliant upon volunteers.
We appreciate your interest in getting involved to make a difference in our city.
Use the menu above to volunteer for a clean-up crew, to recommend a clean-up location, make a donation, or to contact us.
Ready to take action?
We believe that people care for places that seem to be cared for. Residents can take ownership of the health and appearance of their own neighborhoods and communities.
Please help us create a positive and lasting change in our community by giving a bit of your time; from just picking up a bag of trash on your street, to joining us for our group cleanups weekends in the spring, Keeping Fitchburg Beautiful is a fun way to join your community and make an impact.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
— Margaret Mead
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Keep Fitchburg Beautiful is an affiliate of Massachusetts Beautiful —-which offers a variety of programs and resources to help educate community members about the importance of preventing litter and illegal dumping, as well as ways to mobilize volunteers to clean it up.