Saturday April 30th 8am-12pm: Ward 2&3 City Sponsored Cleanup, Daniels St Park, 2 Fairmount St, Fitchburg, MA
Salvation Army Canteen Truck on site – Light Breakfast & Lunch
Street Sweepers out – sweep sand onto street for pickup – not in large piles.
Keep Fitchburg Beautiful Volunteers will be supporting the city during it's officially sponsored Ward Cleanup days.
Saturday April 30th, 2022 from 8am-12pm is a Ward 2 & 3 focus.
TVs and Monitors accepted for only a $10 fee!
TIRES WILL BE COLLECTED OFF-RIM from Central Mass Mosquito Control Project- FREE
Allen Place (particularly around 50 Allen Place)
Ashburnham St to Phillips St
Cleghorn St - Trash and also weed overgrowth---could use weed wacker and shovel
Depot St bottom near bridge
Fairmont St from Fire Station up to Reingold School
Federal St
Franklin Road between Causeway St (Memorial) to Beech St
Franklin St at Rollstone St (Banking between Franklin and Kimball)
Fulton St at Leighton St (empty lot filled with litter)
Princeton Rd. going toward Rt. 2
River St.
Westminster St. toward Monty Tech.
Meet/Park along the street at Daniels St Park at Daniels & Fairmount St, in front of the Restoration Recovery Center.
All are welcome to join and help.
Dumpsters will be available at each location for bulk items and non-residential trash found throughout the ward.
DPW staff will be available to aide in picking up large items that volunteers are unable to bring to the transfer sites, as well as curbside trash bags from large neighborhood clean ups.
City personnel will be available at each transfer site to assist with the disposal.
DPW Street Sweepers will also be out in the wards during each ward cleanup.
Please sweep sidewalk debris onto the street, however, kindly refrain from creating piles!
Lite refreshments will be provided for breakfast and lunch at the meetup site.
The Health Department will supply yellow trash bags, gloves and masks at each event.
Please report back to us streets you have cleaned... and even better... share a picture in our Facebook Group "Keep Fitchburg Beautiful"